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Mould King Powered Module 6.0
Quality Alternative LEGO® Components at the Best Prices
Quality Alternative LEGO® Components at the Best Prices

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Alternative LEGO RC Buggy Motor vs Original

This Mould King LEGO® Compatible & Alternative LEGO RC Buggy Motor is a more powerful and much cheaper alternative to the original LEGO® Power Functions version (5292), the fastest motor LEGO® has ever manufactured! In fact, it’s an exact replica of it despite some subtle differences such as including the power cable (you should get it apart with the original version) or its higher current protection cut (which allows it to support more stress without turning off, a very common issue in the original). However, it features the same high torque low speed (outside) / high-speed low torque (inside) 2 power output scheme.

Watch our detailed YouTube comparison!

Due to being discontinued in 2006, since there are limited units, the current market value of the original version is above 60€, which makes it prohibitively expensive even for the most enthusiastic LEGO® fans.

4 LEGO Compatible RC Off Road Wheels

The 4 LEGO Compatible RC Off Road Wheels are the perfect ingredient you need to build the most outstanding and capable LEGO MOCs. You can use them in Rock Crawlers, Baja Buggys, Trophy Trucks, or whatever comes to your mind. The only limit is your imagination!

Thanks to our team’s dedication to carefully making each of them LEGO® Compatible, they are ready to run from the moment you receive them. They can be easily attached to your creations thanks to a LEGO® Technic screw hole, which offers a wide variety of connection options. (This makes this product a technic briks exclusive)

There are two things that set these wheels apart in the LEGO® wheel market: Their exceptional grip thanks to real RC soft rubber tires and foam and their rim’s interior volume, which is probably the biggest any wheel has to offer so far (It allows to fit LEGO structures 5 studs high and 2 studs deep).

Watch our detailed YouTube video about them!